I know what it's like to be broken and what it takes to rebuild beautiful. Here is a little bit of my story. I was exploited at the age of eleven, and with that came betrayal and sexual trauma that was unaddressed for years. Out of an attempt to continue to escape the pain from my childhood, I found Jesus and I learned what it meant to surrender and become restored. In the journey of my healing, the walls I created to protect myself were the same walls that kept me isolated from others. But God had other plans. Over the last two decades of healing and rebuilding, I’ve seen what healthy community looks like and how it transforms lives. None of us are ever meant to walk alone.
Most days, you can find me advocating for women and children as the CEO of Girl Set Free.
Every Monday at 6am, I share a 2 minute hope-filled essay and power packed scripture-based prayer to start your week. My hope is that you actively select verses from the Bible and incorporate them into your own prayers. Through this weekly offering, I pray you come to know God and His presence in a way like never before.
When we know Him (not just "of" Him), it changes everything!
xo, a
A new sign-up link is coming Feb 1st giving me time to transition email platforms - please stop back.